
ThreeSixteen was founded in 2000 when Jon Crans saw the need to reach skateboarders with the positive message of Jesus Christ. "The skateboarding culture needs answers to the struggles of the world in which we live, to know the source of their creativity and to ultimately know that there is a God that truly loves them.  For the past 20 years we have been striving to bring the message of the "Cross" to a sub-culture that desperately needs Jesus Christ. We do that by giving back to the skateboarding scene, providing well organized events and genuinely caring through relationships.  John 3:16


* ThreeSixteen is a non-profit 501 c3 organization.

* The purpose for ThreeSixteen is to live out and promote the Biblical Truth of Jesus Christ, to America's youth and adults who are involved in skateboarding and their affiliated cultures and industry. 

* We offer:

  • Weekly Skate Night Bowl Sessions at the 316 Bowl. 
  • Westside Skate Spot weekly events 
  • The PHILLY AM Skateboarding Contests
  • Skate Park trips, and other events.

* Summer Skate Camp partnership with FCA at the OCNJ Skate Park.

* Staying pure to skateboarding, but are serious about God's Truth.