
Established in 2011, the WestSide Skate Spot serves as a Safe Spot-Skate Spot for the skateboarding community in the Borough of West Chester, PA.  It is overseen by the WestSide Community Center on Hannum Ave.  The Skate Spot is presently in the developing stages, but will soon have permeant concrete obstacles on site.  5th Pocket Design Skate Park builders plan to develop a concrete bowl pocket and multiple ledges throughout the area in 2021.

On Tuesdays (May - Oct. 31st) ThreeSixteen Skateboarding and the community center provide  jam style skate session events called "SKATE.GRILL.CHILL."  Free BBQ of Hot Dogs and Hamburgers is provided, along with ice cold water. 4:30-Dusk (Weather Permitting.)  You can follow and get more info on Instagram at @westsideskatespot

Address: 415 West Washington St. , West Chester, PA. (Across from Sam Pizza Island) 

For more info check out the Westside Community Center at


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